Friday, June 25, 2010

Welcome to RITF

Institute starts in 10 days...are you excited?
I clearly remember the last few days before I started institute for Teach for America: I'd moved myself from Chicago to Burlington, VT, and then had to make my way to Houston. The cheapest flight arrived at 11pm the night before we had to be I spent a night in a Houston airport. Not so bad, really. I had a big bag of clothes to sleep on.
But in VT, I'd been camping, kayaking, cycling, and fixing bikes. And then my life changed: my classroom became my own world, the place where I was solely responsible for the outcomes. This is both exciting and frightening, if one has truly internalized the meaning of this statement. Still, it is entirely possible to be successful, and my goal through institute is to have my advisory as prepared as possible for success in their own classrooms in the fall.
The summer will be busy, exciting, and full of information and resources. Your task is to make the very most of it.
See you in ten days!
Please post a comment, and share with the group your name, background, your motivation for joining RITF, and one thing we'll be surprised to know about you...