Saturday, July 24, 2010

Post Mid-Point Update

As we move into the second half of Summer Institute, a number of things I want you all to know:

1. I'm absolutely fine from yesterday. I appreciate your concern! I was a bit shaken up, but even my leg feels just fine, the only pain I had at all.

2. I truly enjoyed lunch, and I think we should make it something regular. We can't be late to session again, BUT I'd love to do a potluck picnic at BACS, or maybe in the park a bit south on Pleasant. We can figure that out this week.

3. This summer has already been a tremendous learning experience, and I thank each of you for your part of this experience. We are all very lucky to be working together.

There are also logistical considerations:

1. From this point forward, any observation which yields a score of 1: Not Yet Implementing Best Practices will result in the creation of an Action Plan. The Action Plan (AP) is a set of specific steps to implement to improve your Practice Teaching effectiveness, and will include a deadline for completion of each piece. APs result in either successful completion, which entails improvement to a 2 or 3 rating, or the development of a Performance Improvement Plan, which is the most extreme measure of intervention, and involves Tim and/or Kerry.

2. We will be wrapping up Module 4 on Monday, with the creation of our third work product, a DI grouping strategy document. This will be due on Wednesday, by 9pm, but I encourage you to plan to wrap it up much more quickly, to be able to devote more focus to planning for PT.

3. On Tuesday we begin Module 5, which is focused on Instructional Planning, and Strategic Design. To prepare, I suggest you review the Guidebook Part Two which focuses on IDD. You should focus especially on the details regarding the HITS, the Summary of Standards-Based Planning, Summative Assessment, and the Setting of Academic Goals.

4. Module 5 includes the largest, and the most valuable, of the work products, the Unit Plan. This will be started on Wednesday or Thursday, and completed early the following week. You will be more successful if you preview the work product details from the Fieldguide ahead of time.

5. I'm in DC on Thursday evening and all day Friday. I will be at Shea on Thursday, but not leading SAF Sessions on either day. I will follow up with you on the structure which will be used for those days, as soon as it's decided.

Please leave a comment, with responses to these two questions:

1. What aspect of the content for Module 5 are you most excited about?

2. What is one question you want me to be sure we cover during Module 5?

With a great deal of admiration, I'll leave it at that. Enjoy your weekend, and I'll see you Monday.



  1. 1. I am actually most excited about the unit plan, since I rely so much on the one my CT provided me and I'd like to be able to make them myself.

    2. I'd like to be totally sure about how to align a unit plan and the standards required by NECAP without sacrificing proper depth and quality.

  2. I am most excited about learning how to structure the unit plan so you can introduce each part of a unit making it distinct and yet able to make it relevant to both the past and the future lessons.

    My question is how can you ensure students are engaged in subject material for a long about of time. I know we have spoken and acted out some hooks but any more technique suggestions would be helpful.

  3. I'm excited about learning how to align our lessons with standards in rigor especially and how we can get our kids to be thinking on higher levels while still getting the necessary skills into our lessons.

    I want to make sure we cover how to gauge the relative values of getting kids interested with engaging hooks and multimedia while maintaining the pace necessary to cover necessary standards.

    Looking forward to the second half,

  4. Anonymous = John

    I am excited to talk about setting goals for a class and maintaining high expectations.

    The question that I would like to make sure we cover is....if the assessment shows a wide disparity of skill levels in the class, how do we maintain specific common goals for the whole class?

    See y'all tomorrow!

  5. I am excited most about learning how to plan timelines for units within a regular school year that align to standards.

    I still wonder how strategies of differentiated instruction should be communicated in our lesson plans and unit plans.

  6. HI all-
    I am excited about getting some more ideas on transitioning effectively and maintaining S interest even with content that is difficult to jazz up

    By the end of the unit I hope to know how to prioritze moving on vs student mastery

  7. I can't figure out what "profile" I created so I'll post like John did; this time anonymous = Lindsay

    Hi All!

    I am excited about learning how to plan for an entire unit of material and break it down into manageable parts to keep students looking for the next set of information.

    I am interested to know how we determine priority of material in a "running out of time" situation, as well as how we place amount of time value on each unit during the school year.

    See you all soon!

