Thursday, July 1, 2010

Week #1 Overview

During week #1 we will have an introduction to the training curriculum for the summer: Teaching for Student Achievement (TfSA); we will set expectations for behavior for our Advisory group; we will review expectations for practice teaching; you will learn to write lesson plans that meet RITF professional standards; we will review a Case Study which will give you insight into the realities of challenges and opportunities for working in a 'High Needs' school; we will begin our Special Education module.
You will have several deliverables this week; these will include a lesson plan (due Wed) and a completed Practice Teaching Schedule (due Fri). We will spend time on both of these pieces during TfSA Framework sessions in the afternoons.
For Tuesday, please review Chapter 8 from the Guidebook, which focuses on lesson planning. You may choose to review the lesson plan template which is linked in the right column of the blog.
For Wednesday, you will need to review the first Case Study; you will receive your Field Guide binder on Monday, and this is handout 1.3.2 from the Field Guide.
Please bring your Guidebook to every session, and plan to take it with you every day as you leave. There will regularly be readings from the Guidebook which will help you to prepare for upcoming material.

1 comment:

  1. It was great to meet everyone!! Is anyone having trouble opening the templates? I get an error message when I try...
